Monthly Archives: April 2015

Reverse Osmosis For Your Family

Reverse Osmosis (RO) is a state-of-the-art water purification system.  It is a technologically advanced filtration method that removes a very wide range of contaminants from water.  It also provides protection from microorganisms in the water.

Reverse Osmosis

Kidney dialysis, laboratory tests, manufacturers and desalination (removing salt from sea water to produce drinking water) utilize reverse osmosis. It’s also, great for homes.

To better understand RO’s let’s refresh the concept of osmosis from our school days.  An example of osmosis is the process by which a plant absorbs water through its root network. Reverse Osmosis reverses this process using the pressure in the water line to force the contaminated raw water against a semi-permeable membrane. This accepts only the pure water, sending it to a small storage tank for household consumption. The contaminated water discharges to a drain for recycling or to some other useful place.

An RO for Residential Use is Composed of Several Filters:

The first filter: is either an extremely fine mesh pre-filter, or a combination of sediment and carbon pre-filter that protects the RO’s membrane from damage by chlorine and/or fine debris, sand or sediment in the water.

The second filter: is the RO membrane, which is the “work-horse” of the system.  It removes inorganic compounds such as heavy metals, arsenic, chromium 6, mercury, nitrates, cadmium, cyanide and more. It also provides protection from microorganisms in the water such as bacteria, viruses, giardia and cysts.

The third filter: is a post-filter that removes organic compounds such as herbicides, pesticides and hundreds more from the water.

Benefits of an RO:

  • Provides your family with the pure, safe, great tasting water vital to your health and well being.
  •  You have a never ending supply of purified water for drinking, cooking, baby formula and pets at your fingertips
  • Fill your own container for only $0 .14 per gallon.
  • Imagine the savings when you no longer spend $0.99 for a 16 ounce bottle of water!
  • Additionally, you can help reduce the amount of empty bottles in our landfills.

A water line from the RO can attach to your refrigerator so you can enjoy cool purified water and crystal clear ice cubes.


To ensure proper functioning of an RO system, and for the protection of the users the system needs annual preventative maintenance.  The RO membrane flushes itself as it discharges contaminants. Since the pre- and- post- filters store the contaminants that are removed from the water they need to be replaced in a timely manner.  Otherwise, contaminants will begin to release back into the water stream along with newly arriving contaminants.  Fortunately, they are inexpensive to replace and doing so protects the life span of the membrane.

Call today to see if an RO is right for you!

Gainesville: 352-372-2707 Ocala: 352-369-1707

Desk with coffee cup, book, lipstick, glasses, and pen

Water: The True Fountain of Youth

Tales of the Fountain of Youth have been recounted in Greece, since the early Crusades. This spring is thought to restore youth and bring eternal life to those who drank from it or bathed in its waters. Another recurrent myth is the legendary ambrosia of the Greeks, a nectar that could turn back the hands of time.

These Legends Have Something in Common:

Putting aside their veracity, these legends have something in common: a fluid that washes out impurities and signs of age. Although, there might not be a magical potion or spring, drinking purified water throughout the day is vital to the prevention of aging symptoms.

Indeed, health, beauty, stamina, strength and youthfulness are intimately tied to your hydration. Most of the reverse-the-clock qualities of water link to the fact that water is the primary transport system for our bodies. It carries nutrients and oxygen to the cells, gets rid of toxins, keeps neurons in shape and digestive organs properly obtaining energy from the food consumed. When not well hydrated, blood thickens and turns acidic, slowing circulation and hindering the removal of toxins.

These toxins accumulate and deteriorate our cells…and that’s when aging accelerates. Skin sags, memory fails, energy drops, joint capsules lose its smooth motion.  Water can in fact prevent or cure some of these problems, becoming your favorite anti-aging remedy!

Here are Some of the Benefits this Particular Ambrosia can Bring to You:

  • Your skin will be softer and smoother. Dry, not properly hydrated, skin has less resilience, shows flakiness and is more prone to wrinkling.
  • Water maintains skin moisture and delivers essential nutrients to cells. That’s good news for your pocket: when your cells are dehydrated, they need water from the inside rather than lotion from the outside. Drinking sufficient water will often do a job better than expensive facial creams.
  • Helps reduce fatigue. More than occasionally, when our muscles or mind lose their optimal performance, it’s because they are not receiving the proper amount of oxygen. Remember what we mentioned about water being our main source of nutrients and 02 transportation? Bingo!
  • It can help you with weight management and appetite control. Before you eat ask yourself, am I hungry or am I thirsty? We often confuse the signals. As the body burns fat deposits they release toxins that need to be flushed out with water.
  • Water lubricates joint spaces and keeps cartilage soft. Since cartilage is 70% water keeping it hydrated is extremely important. Hydrated cartilage keeps bones from rubbing against each other.
  • A well hydrated immune system is a stronger immune system. It can more efficiently produce lymph to transport white blood cells and other immune cells throughout the body to combat disease.

Although not eternal, water will certainly give you a longer and renewed youth!

One last tip: make sure you know what is in your water since it could contain contaminants that could cause you to show and feel your age more quickly than you’d like.

For a free analysis of your water contact us by calling 352-372-2707 in Gainesville or 352-369-1707 in Ocala. At this no obligation evaluation, our water specialists will test your water and provide a range of options to improve its quality.


Drink more, live more!