Monthly Archives: July 2015

Why Should I Have My Water Tested?

Your Drinking Water:

Your drinking water typically comes from a municipal water supply,  private well and/or spring. We tend to think water from a private well or spring is always clean.  However, if you live in North Central Florida all water comes from the same source, wells that are tapped into some underground source of water.

Exposure to contamination from natural source (sand, iron, limestone, arsenic, bacteria, viruses) is possible for all water -municipal supplies, private wells and/or spring water. Also, from man made sources (agricultural chemicals, industrial and animal waste – nitrates, leaching from landfills and septic tanks, lead, cadmium). The difference is the city monitors municipal water on a regular basis, while homeowners typically do not monitor their private water sources.

Studies Show

According the EPA more than 90% of municipal water systems in the USA meet EPA’s water quality standards. However, the National Academy of Sciences has found hundreds of other toxic contaminants in municipal water supplies. There is no requirement to test nor safe levels established by EPA for these.  Additionally, the National Academy of Sciences recognizes that disinfection by-products of chlorine such as Trihalomethanes (THM’s) and Haloacetic acids are harmful to people’s heath.

Once municipal water leaves the treatment plant it can be exposed to additional contaminants before it reaches your home due to breaks in pipes, aging and deteriorating pipelines.

Scientists at the National Academy of Sciences state that private wells and spring water carry the same contaminants as municipal water. Though, the EPA does not impose regulations on wells.

Some contaminants can pose a danger to you and your family’s health. Others can harm water using appliances, and stain fabrics, bathroom fixtures and more.

Best Water Solutions goal is to ensure that the water you drink and use in your home is as pure and safe as possible. Therefore, we offer a FREE Water Analysis and Consultation in your home.

Some Reasons You Should Test Your Water:

  • Expose the presence of harmful contaminants that you cannot be see, smell or tasted. Such as heavy metals (arsenic, lead, mercury), or bacteria, viruses, cysts and more
  • Identify the causes of odors or colors in the water
  • Determine if your water contains elements destructive to your water using appliances and plumbing fixtures
  • Reveal the causes of spotting and streaking in shower doors, tiles, flatware, glassware, coffee pots, etc.
  • Find out why your water pressure is diminishing
  • Detect the reason for blue/green stains in your sinks, bathtubs and toilets
  • Reveal the cause of the unsightly rings in your bathtub
  • Determine if you can save money on your energy bills

Once our specialist completes the Water Analysis they will explain the results.  If beneficial to you, they will recommend treatment options to improve the quality of your water.

Best Water Solutions carries a wide range of options such as Conditioners, Iron and Sulfur Filters, Ultraviolet and Ozone Disinfection, Ultra-Filtration, Low Pressure Membranes and Reverse Osmosis.

To schedule your FREE Water Analysis today, fill the form on this link:  https://bestwatersolutions.comfree-water-analysis/

A member of our team will contact you to make an appointment at your earliest convenience.

You can also call us: Gainesville: (352) 372-2707   –   Ocala: (352) 369-1707   –   Toll-Free: (800) 516-8962

Or Email us:

Population Growth & Water Conservation

Water is a key element for life on Earth. It plays an essential role in our health, economy, food production, industry, recreation and environment.

Water may seem abundant, but only 2% of the world’s water can actually be used for human needs!

Many countries in the world and some states in the U.S. are already facing great water scarcity problems and if population projections prove accurate (8 to 9 billion people by 2050 per the Population Reference Bureau) many regions of Earth will be facing even more significant water shortages within the next 50 years.

Northeastern University civil and environmental engineering associate professor Auroop Ganguly states that “Population rise will lead to a greater demand for water, and climate change will decrease global rainfall, increase evaporation, and lower supply.” These prognostics are alarming and a great incentive for us to increase our water conservation efforts.

Although many of us are fortunate not to live (for now) in areas with water shortages; it is our responsibility to safeguard this essential resource as much as we can. Many lives in the coming years depend on it!

Here are some easy ways you can save water (and money!) in your everyday lives:


• Don’t let water run when washing dishes. Instead, fill one large basin with wash water, the other with rinse water.
• Dishwashers use less water than washing by hand. Look for the Energy Star sticker on your appliances since they use even less water and energy.
• Wash fruits and vegetables in a bowl of water rather than under running tap.
• When you are done rinsing your vegetables use the water to water your plants.
• Cook in the least amount of water possible. This also helps retain more nutrients.
• Use leftover water from cooked foods to make a very nutritious soup.
• Soak pots and pans instead of letting water run while you scrape them clean.
• Use the garbage disposal sparingly. Compost vegetable waste or throw it in the trash – this saves gallons of water.
• Don’t defrost foods or melt ice under running water.


• Take shorter showers. If you keep them under 5 minutes you’ll save up to 1,000 gallons a month.
• Cutting your regular shower time by 1 or 2 minutes will save up to 150 gallons per month.
• To save up to 4 gallons a minute, turn off the water while brushing your teeth or shaving. A family of 4 can save 200 gallons per week.
• Throw your tissues in the trash instead of flushing them down the toilet.
• Check your faucets and shower heads for leaks. One drip per second could add up to 5 gallons per day.
• Collect running water while you wait for it to heat up. Use it to water your plants or wash veggies and fruits.
• Test your toilets for leaks at least once a year.


• Run your sprinklers before 10 a.m. or after 4 p.m. – 65% of water applied mid-day evaporates.
• Water for one hour or less per zone, up to 3/4-inch: Set a timer and place shallow cans in your yard to monitor volume.
• Water only on your scheduled day.
• Check your sprinkler system frequently. Adjust sprinklers so only your lawn is watered and not the house, sidewalk or street.
• Install rain sensors that disable your irrigation system’s irrigation controller from operating during periods of wet weather.
• Install tree T-PEEs around your 1-5 year old trees. These water and nutrient containment systems save 75% of the water used to grow each tree. Makes them stronger and protects them from frost!

General tips:

• You can save up to 1,000 gallons if you only run your washer and dishwasher when they’re full.
• Reuse your towels whether in your house or in hotels.
• Watch your water bill and water meter closely as they could help you discover leaks.
• Turn off faucets tightly after each use and teach your family members to do the same.
• Install water-saving aerators on all your faucets.


Let’s all help in this mission to make the world a better place for our descendants!

These are a few easy-to-follow tips you can start using today! Even the smallest adjustments can have a big impact! For a 100 water conservation tips, visit