How Much is Bottled Water Costing You Per Year?

Most families and individuals are increasingly aware of the importance of healthy living. One of the best ways to do this is by hydrating every day. Therefore, many people choose bottled water as a convenient way to consume clean water. But, what if in the long run that’s wasting money, and harmful to ourselves and the environment?

Plastic Bottles used to Package Water is Not Only Wasteful, it is Also Detrimental to the Environment!

Many companies producing bottled water claim they are from partially recycled plastic. Yet, two million tons of used water bottles are currently occupying US landfills. This means 80% of water bottles are thrown away.

But, plastic water bottles become biodegradable, right? Yes, eventually, but this process takes about 1,000 years! With the ever-increasing manufacturing and consuming of plastic water bottles, what will our world look like 1,000 years from now?

Littering and landfills full of plastic isn’t the only environmental issue associated with plastic water bottles. For every liter manufacturers use to package a bottle of water they waste 3 liters. As a result, two-thirds of the water  manufacturers use they waste.

Now Let’s Take a Look at Your Wallet

According to Business Insider, one gallon of water purchased in 500 ml bottles, costs twice as much as a gallon of gasoline! A water bottle made from hard reusable plastic, stainless steel or glass encased in rubber can cost you from $5 to $22. The cost usually varies due to various features.

Depending on how much bottled water you purchase, switching to a reusable water bottle can save you 300 to 2,000 times more money over the course of one year. Want to see the savings for yourself?

Check Out This Free Bottled Water Calculator:

This handy tool gives you details on how reducing your use will affect the environment. It also computes exactly how much money you will save by giving bottled water the boot!

To start your savings and improve your health by filling your bottles with Purified Water call us:

Gainesville: (352) 372-2707 – Ocala: (352) 369-1707 – Toll-Free: (800) 516-8962

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