Monthly Archives: April 2016

contamination in baby water

Dangers of Nitrates in Water

Nitrates are one of the most common and widespread contaminants in Florida. Waste disposal (particularly from animal farming), the increase of artificial fertilizers in homes and farms, septic systems, and changes in land has caused an increase in the levels of Nitrates in groundwater supplies throughout North Florida through the years.

Effects on Your Infant

Although high levels of Nitrates are not a direct threat for adults, it can affect your infant. Nitrates present a serious health concern for infants six months or younger. If bottle-fed babies drink formula made with water high in Nitrates, or if an infant drinks water or juice containing Nitrates, they can develop a potentially fatal condition: “blue baby syndrome.” This is when Nitrates interfere with the blood’s ability to carry oxygen to all parts of the body.

Nitrates do not change the smell, taste, or color of your water, making it very hard to detect without a water test.

Boiling Water Worsens the Problem

Do NOT boil water that may contain Nitrates. Boiling water will not decrease Nitrates, rather it INCREASES the concentration by evaporating water and leaving Nitrates behind.

Test Your Drinking Water on a Regular Basis

Testing is done frequently for contaminants in municipal water supplies at the treatment plant. However, contaminants can sneak in as it travels through water mains and your own home plumbing. Therefore, we highly recommend you test your drinking water on a regular basis unless you have a water treatment system.

Well Water

If your drinking water comes from a private well make sure you test your water annually. This ensures it is free of Nitrates and other contaminants. This is most important in North Florida drinking water where pollution from runoff at dairy farms, chicken farms, and crop farms is increasing.

We Can Help

Best Water successfully removes Nitrates using water treatment equipment such as Reverse Osmosis, Ion Exchange, and Distillation. Mechanical filters (including “pitcher filters” like Brita) or chemical disinfection, such as chlorination, do NOT remove Nitrates from water.

Want to learn more and let us test your water, call us:

Gainesville: (352) 372-2707 – Ocala: (352) 369-1707

You can also complete the online form HERE and a member of our team will contact you to make an appointment at your earliest convenience.


Stress and Dehydration

Second to air, water is our bodies most vital substance. Water is a key component for our body to function. It effects bones, blood, muscle, skin, saliva, organs, etc. It is necessary for digesting and absorbing vitamins and nutrients, proper digestion, detoxifying the liver and kidneys, and carrying away waste.

Our Bodies Depend on Water for Survival and Health

We lose water every day when we breathe, sweat and go to the bathroom. Because our bodies can’t store water it is important that we replace it throughout the day.

Without the right amount of water, our bodies become dehydrated and stop working properly. One of the least known, yet detrimental consequences of dehydration is stress.

When under stress, our heart beats rapidly; we breathe shallower and faster, and perspiration increases causing our body to lose more water.

A study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology found that dehydration by as little as half a liter (2 cups)  “…strongly increased cortisol, epinephrine and norepinephrine, the primary stress hormones.” Our bodies assume a survival mode and take the fight-or-flight position. The stress hormones remain activated until the stressful situation, or state of dehydration is resolved.

Without replacing the water lost a vicious cycle is established: Dehydration causes stress and stress causes dehydration.

Of course dehydration is not the only cause of stress, and drinking more water won’t make our problems go away. But it is safe to say that drinking enough water is a positive first step toward breaking the dehydration/stress cycle.

According to new research, up to 75% of Americans may be functioning in a chronic state of dehydration. Although many of us understand the importance of staying hydrated, it is easy to forget to drink water throughout our busy days.

Here are some tips to make staying hydrated easier:

– Fill a stainless steel or glass bottle with Purified Water and keep it with you wherever you go.

– Keep a glass of water next to your bed so you can drink right before you go to bed and first thing in the morning. Your body loses water while you sleep.

– Take small sips when you drink allowing your body to absorb the water. Make sure not to down big amounts at once this will overflow your kidneys.

– Avoid caffeinated beverages including: coffee, tea and sodas. These beverages will only worsen the stress condition and weaken the adrenal system, which is central to the hormonal system – drink Purified Water instead.

– Keep a record of how much water you drink throughout the day.

– Hydrate before, during and after exercise.

– Don’t wait until you are thirsty to drink water, by then you may be 2 glasses below your normal water needs.

– Drink more when you’re sick. Even though you don’t feel like it, you really need to keep hydrated to help your body recover from various infections. If you’re dehydrated, you’ll feel much worse.

Remember that our health is truly dependent on the quality and quantity of the water we drink. If you want to improve your water let us know!

Gainesville: (352) 372-2707 – Ocala: (352) 369-1707 – Toll-Free: (800) 516-8962

Or Email us:

You can also complete the form on https://bestwatersolutions.comfree-water-analysis and a member of our team will contact you to make an appointment at your earliest convenience.