Tag Archives: bottled water

Is Bottled Spring Water Really from a Pure Spring?

Hydration is a key component for staying healthy. Everyone knows drinking a minimum of 8 glasses of water a day is recommended. But, what is often not mentioned is the quality of the water you are drinking. With so many different types and brands of bottled water, it’s hard to know what is the best choice.

Spring Water

The big buzz word in the bottled water industry is spring water. Advertisers often show images of snow-capped mountains and streams on the water bottles. This makes you to believe this water is meant for you to drink straight from the Earth. In reality, spring water is from an underground source (not necessarily a spring). It’s often untreated and can contain any number of impurities and/or contaminants.

The Natural Resources Defense Council has a study that found contaminants such as coliform, arsenic and nitrates in bottled water supplies. Best case scenario: you are drinking glorified, expensive tap water when you purchase bottled spring water.

Knowing you are drinking pure and safe water is essential. Best Water Solutions has treated drinking water in North Central Florida since 1982. We have practical, proven, cost-effective technology options that will assure you and your family are only drinking contaminant free, safe water.